PET基材超薄胶带 GC-2001(1201)/GC-2002(1202)

作者: touchpanel     时间:2013-05-13     源于:未知    总点击:

构成 Composition


特征 Features

● 胶带超薄设计,适用于薄型化设计,且尽量不影响石墨层的热传导性。 Ultra-thin tape design is suitable for thin applications and minimizes the thermal conductivity of the graphite layer.
● 根据设计需求,石墨膜模切时可以包边设计,使石墨膜具有良好的绝缘性。 According to design requirements, edge-covering can be applied in graphite film cutting, endowing it with excellent electric insulation.
● 对石墨膜和手机背壳、手机主板、不锈钢散热片等被粘体都具有良好的粘接性。 Having excellent adhesion to graphite film, mobile phone panels, stainless steel heat sinks and other base materials.

性能 Performances

产品型号 Spec. GC-2001 GC-2002
颜色 color 黑色单面Black, one-sided 透明双面Transparent, double-sided
厚度 thickness (MM) 0.01 0.01
粘着力 Adhesion (N/25MM) 4.5 9.0
保持力 Retention (MM) 0.4 0.1
应用 Application 加强复合 Composite reinforcing 被胶粘接 Glue bonded

用途 Purposes

● 超薄黑色PET单面胶带GC-2001-----------石墨加强复合 Ultra-thin black PET one-sided adhesive tape GC-2001, for graphite composite reinforcing.
● 超薄PET双面胶带GC-2002-----------石墨膜被胶粘接 Ultra-thin PET double-sided adhesive tape GC-2002, for bonding graphite film.




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