ProLite T2452MTS: 23.6英寸的触控显示器

作者:电容式触摸屏时间:2013-07-26 来源:元器件交易网

[摘要]据外媒Tomshardware报道,日本显示器制造商饭山(Iiyama)推出了一款23.6英寸的触控显示器ProLite T2452MTS,屏幕分辨率为1920×1080,支持两点或多点触控功能。可同时使用手写笔或两个手指触摸屏幕。

    北京时间07月26日消息,中国触摸屏网讯, 据外媒Tomshardware报道,日本显示器制造商饭山(Iiyama)推出了一款23.6英寸的触控显示器ProLite T2452MTS,屏幕分辨率为1920×1080,支持两点或多点触控功能。


  ProLite T2452MTS-2提供两个点或多点触摸,可同时使用手写笔或两个手指触摸屏幕,表面采用7H涂层硬度的耐擦防刮玻璃。

  ProLite T2452MTS显示器分辨率为1920×1080,静态对比度为1000:1,最大亮度260 cd/m2 ,响应时间5毫秒。显示器内置标准的2W立体声扬声器,配有高达32度的倾斜调整,以及两个DVI-DS、一个HDMI接口、一个15针微型D-sub输入。

  ProLite T2452MTS-2目前售价35800日元,约合356美元。


  Iiyama Launches the Touchscreen ProLite T2452MTS-2 Monitor

  The ProLite T2452MTS-2 features a 23.6-inch display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and support for two-point multitouch.

  Iiyama has launched the ProLite T2452MTS-2, a 23.6-inch touchscreen monitor that provides two-point multitouch (for a stylus or two fingers simultaneously), and a scratch resistant coating with a 7H hardness rating.

  The display offers a resolution of 1920 x 1080, a 1000:1 contrast ratio, 260 cd/m2 brightness, and a response time of 5 ms. Finally, the monitor includes two 2W stereo speakers; up to 32-degree tilt adjustment; and two DVI-Ds, one HDMI, and a 15-pin mini D-sub input.

  The Iiyama ProLite T2452MTS-2 currently retails for ¥35,800 ($356).

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