Synaptics的OLED芯片触摸屏芯片获华为Mate 20 Pro采用

作者: 51Touch     时间:2018-10-17     源于:触摸屏与OLED网    总点击:
【导读】:领先的人机界面解决方案开发商Synaptics 今天宣布其ClearView™OLED显示驱动技术利用灵活的薄膜上芯片(COF)封装已广泛应用包括华为在内的几家主要智能手机OEM公司采用了具有WQHD分辨率的全新Mate 20 Pro

加利福尼亚州圣何塞 - 2018年10月16日 - 领先的人机界面解决方案开发商Synaptics Incorporated(纳斯达克股票代码:SYNA)今天宣布其ClearView™OLED显示驱动技术利用灵活的薄膜上芯片(COF)封装已广泛应用包括华为在内的几家主要智能手机OEM公司采用了具有WQHD分辨率的全新Mate 20 Pro。 Mate 20 Pro也是第一款采用Synaptics完整系统解决方案的智能手机,包括我们的分立式COF ClearView™DDIC和我们的ClearPad®触摸控制器,每个产品已经出货数百万台。


Synaptics凭借其创新的COF设计继续引领行业走向无边框和出色的沉浸式无限显示器,用于OLED和LCD智能手机 - 已经有超过20个已经批量生产的项目。 Synaptics的COF显示技术在OLED和LCD面板下面折叠,可以在更小的外形尺寸下实现更大的屏幕。 Synaptics拥有深入的离散DDIC产品组合和采用COF封装的集成TouchView™TDDI解决方案,可为所有关键解决方案提供解决方案。

“我们与中国,日本和韩国的主要显示器制造商建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系,为全球智能手机OEM提供最先进的触摸和显示技术,无论是OLED还是LCD面板,”公司销售副总裁Tina Gu表示。移动和汽车市场。 “Synaptics已经建立了一个成熟的COF供应链,以应对无边框手机的快速发展趋势,我们早期的TDDI和DDIC创新使得市场蓬勃发展,生动的智能手机显示器展示了我们功能丰富的技术。”

Synaptics OLED DDICs, Touch Controllers Featured in Huawei Mate 20 Pro。COF Display Solutions for OLED and LCD Selected by Broad Variety of Smartphone OEMs

SAN JOSE, Calif. – October 16, 2018 – Synaptics Incorporated (NASDAQ: SYNA), the leading developer of human interface solutions, today announced its ClearView™ OLED display driver technology leveraging flexible chip-on-film (COF) packaging has been widely adopted by several major smartphone OEMs including Huawei for its new Mate 20 Pro featuring WQHD resolution. The Mate 20 Pro is also the first smartphone to feature Synaptics’ complete system solution including our discrete COF ClearView™ DDICs and our ClearPad® touch controllers with millions of units of each already shipped.

Synaptics continues to lead the industry toward bezel-free and brilliantly immersive infinity displays for both OLED and LCD smartphones with its innovative COF designs – highlighted with over 20 projects already in mass production. Synaptics’ display technology on COF folds underneath OLED and LCD panels, enabling larger screens in smaller form-factors. With a deep portfolio of discrete DDICs and integrated TouchView™ TDDI solutions using COF packaging, Synaptics is delivering solutions for all key resolutions.

“Our close partnerships with key display manufacturers in China, Japan and Korea arm global smartphone OEMs with state-of-the-art touch and display technology across all resolutions whether OLED or LCD panels,” said Tina Gu, corporate vice president of sales, Mobile and Automotive Markets. “Synaptics has built a mature COF supply chain to address the rapid trend toward bezel-free phones, and our early innovations in TDDI and DDICs are enabling the market to flourish with vivid smartphone displays showcasing our feature-rich technology.”

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