
作者: 51Touch     时间:2017-06-16     源于:中国触摸屏网    总点击:
【导读】:它是一款55英寸数字白板,笔和触摸输入,配套的iOS和Android应用程序,Nvidia Jetson TX1处理器和4K分辨率。巨兽是一个以企业为中心的协作工具,它有三种有趣的色彩,并且有一个看起来像Herman Miller目录一样的立场

    北京时间06月16日消息,中国触摸屏网讯,Google的Jamboard不是用于策划PB&J食谱的厨房应用程序 - 它是一款55英寸数字白板,笔和触摸输入,配套的iOS和Android应用程序,Nvidia Jetson TX1处理器和4K分辨率。巨兽是一个以企业为中心的协作工具,它有三种有趣的色彩,并且有一个看起来像Herman Miller目录一样的立场,如果你在美国,那么今天可以订购$ 4,999。


这似乎是一个奇怪的地方,Google可以走,但是当您考虑G-Suite产品达到多远的时候,该公司是领先的企业软件供应商之一。 Jamboard也经过Google客户道琼斯,惠而浦和Pinterest等公司的测试,很显然,这不仅仅是一个奇怪的一面,因为它有时会发生随机的事情,而成为谷歌推出的一个项目。

 不,这更像是Google Jamboard是办公室的Google Home - 这是一种在核心层面嵌入商业世界的一种方式,它更有可能成为一个完整的,几乎看不到的工作。另外,它是一项服务收入业务; Jamboard支持和管理每年运行$ 600(早期客户每年$ 300),并且访问Jamboard上的Drive文件需要G Suite计划。



Google’s huge 4K touchscreen whiteboard is now on sale for $5K

Google’s Jamboard is not a kitchen app for curating PB&J recipes – it’s a 55-inch digital whiteboard, with pen and touch input, companion iOS and Android apps, an Nvidia Jetson TX1 processor on board and 4K resolution. The behemoth is an enterprise-focused collaboration tool, that comes in three fun colors and has a stand that looks ripped from a Herman Miller catalog, and if you’re in the U.S. you can order one today for $4,999.

This seems like a weird place for Google to go, but the company is one of the leading enterprise software vendors when you consider how far and wide its G-Suite products reach. Jamboard also underwent testing with companies including Google clients Dow Jones, Whirlpool and Pinterest, so it’s obvious this is more than a weird side project that became something Google launched just because it sometimes does random shit.


No, it’s more like Google Jamboard is the Google Home of the office – a way to embed itself in the business world at a core level, where it’s more likely to become an integral, and nearly invisible part of doing work. Plus, it’s a services revenue business; Jamboard support and management runs $600 per year ($300 per year for early customers) and access to Drive files on Jamboard requires a G Suite plan.

Google’s identity as a hardware company gets more interesting all the time, and Jamboard is an eccentric, but smart extension of its overall strategy, which marries service and gear more closely than most in the enterprise space.

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